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DPM Funktion och felsökning

Postat: 17 februari 2011, 00:47
av melmaq

Air Temperature Sensor
At 20 °C, the sensor resistance must be 2500ohm ± 300. Sensor should also be tested through all its operating range. Use the following chart. Replace sensor if not within specifications.


Solenoid and MPEM- Static Test
Unplug electric connector of solenoid no. 20 and connect it to a 12 V battery. The solenoid must sound when it opens. Otherwise, replace solenoid.
Repeat test several times.

Dynamic Test
Air temperature sensor must be at 20 °C (68 °F). For the test, operate the engine at 3800 RPM.

The solenoid must vibrate. Otherwise, ensure fuse(s), wiring harness and
connections are in good condition and if so, try a new MPEM and retest.


